Cam Went From Stuck at 83 MPH for 3 Years to
Pitching At 88 MPH In 3 Weeks!
Let me guess your story is exactly like Cam's. The reason I say that is because, nowadays, every single pitcher struggles with the same exact problems due to their training programs and over-coaching.
Does this sound like you?
- Your velocity has hit a plateau, and you've tried everything, but you're stuck.
- You work your butt off, but the drills aren't working because the same problems keep popping up.
- Your velocity doesn't transfer to the mound, and you can't understand why.
- You struggle to engage your lower-half and nobody has been able to explain what you need to do in order to get more from your lower-half.
- Your front-side opens early, and you can't create hip and shoulder separation, but the only advice you are given is, "stay closed."
The Truth Is You've Never Identified The Root Cause Of Your Problems!
Because you've been misdiagnosed, you are given drills to fix symptoms of the REAL problem and sadly, it's only making your problems worse.
9/10 pitchers who comes into my facility struggling to transfer velocity and fix mechanical flaws are prescribed drills that only make your problems worse.
- Pivot picks
- 10 toes
- Roll-ins
- Rockers
If you're ready to finally FEEL exactly what you need to do and learn what it takes to generate arm speed that transfers to the mound and doesn't require you to over-think and over-analyze every move you make. We can change all that.
In fact, we guarantee you will see changes on the very same day you begin your training with us.
Are you ready to see and FEEL your training transfer to the game mound?
Watch pitcher go from 92 to 103 mph.
This program is perfect for everyone. Kids as young as 10 on up to big leaguers!
What’s Included in Your Program
Step #1
Velocity Leak Video Analysis
We will begin by analyzing your delivery from 4 angles to pinpoint exactly where you're leaking velocity and quickly identify the teeny-tiny issue that's causing your so-called mechanical flaws.
There's a reason your arm is late, your shoulder flies open and your lead leg won't block. Once you've identifed the real reason these issues will resolve themselves without having to think about it,
Step #2
Movement Maze Assessment
Once we've identified the leaks and established your plane of rotation we will begin isolating the root cause of your problems using the patent pending process of Movement Mazes.
These work a lot like the old-school game of Operation and allow you to FEEL what you're doing in real time. Information like this empowers your brain to optimize and fine-tune the movement flaw so that it doesn't happen again, and if it does, you will FEEL it and fix it by yourself, no coach required.
Step #3
Customized Core Velocity Belt Training Program
Once we've established the real reason for your mechanical flaws, we've addressed your velocity leaks. The next step is your customized training program. You will receive a customized training program that allows you to follow each and every day on your phone along with customized training worksheets and explainer videos if needed. *This program will include specific drills, feels and fixes related to you, and only you.